Механизмы регуляции метаболических процессов

Метаболизм. Регуляция
А. Основные механизмы регуляции метаболических процессов

Активность всех путей обмена веществ постоянно регулируется, что обеспечивает соответствие синтеза и деградации метаболитов физиологическим потребностям организма. В этом разделе рассматриваются механизмы такой ...

А. Основные механизмы регуляции метаболических процессов

Introductory Microbiology / As a component of biology, Plant Pathology enjoyed a prestigious position and its applied aspects; plant disease management was an integral part of agroecosystem management. In the era of globalization, our country is progressing very fast in agricultural sector by developing innovative techniques aIntroductory Microbiology
As a component of biology, Plant Pathology enjoyed a prestigious position and its applied aspects; plant disease management was an integral part of ...
Stress — From Molecules to Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Neurobiology of Stress Responses / This book comprehensively covers the molecular basis of stress responses of the nervous system, providing a unique and fundamental insight into the molecular, physiological and behavioral basis of the stress response of a whole organism. Edited by leading experts in the field and summarizing the latStress — From Molecules to Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Neurobiology of Stress Responses
This book comprehensively covers the molecular basis of stress responses of the nervous system, providing a unique and fundamental insight into the ...
Иммунология. Терминологический словарь / Впервые в русскоязычной литературе системно изложены и даны толкования более 1 600 используемых в современной иммунологии и иммунопатологии терминов, иммунобиологических процессов и явлений. Описаны молекулы (иммуноглобулины, цитокины, хемокины, белки системы комплемента, рецепторы, CD- и HLA-антигеИммунология. Терминологический словарь
Впервые в русскоязычной литературе системно изложены и даны толкования более 1 600 ...
Geobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives, First Edition / Book DescriptionGeobiology is an exciting and rapidly developing research discipline that opens new perspectives in understanding Earth as a system. To determine and to exploit its possibilities, this promising scientific field will benefit from a discussion of its definition as a research disciplinGeobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives, First Edition
Book DescriptionGeobiology is an exciting and rapidly developing research discipline that opens new perspectives in understanding Earth as a system. ...