Деградация аминокислот (карта I)

Geobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives, First Edition / Book DescriptionGeobiology is an exciting and rapidly developing research discipline that opens new perspectives in understanding Earth as a system. To determine and to exploit its possibilities, this promising scientific field will benefit from a discussion of its definition as a research disciplinGeobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives, First Edition
Book DescriptionGeobiology is an exciting and rapidly developing research discipline that opens new perspectives in understanding Earth as a system. ...
Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology / To put your preparation for USMLE Step 1 and course exams on the fast track, only one resource will do: «Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology». Completely updated throughout, the Eleventh Edition presents a high-yield review of the basic and clinical aspects of bacteriology, virology, mycolReview of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
To put your preparation for USMLE Step 1 and course exams on the fast track, only one resource will do: «Review of Medical Microbiology and ...
Koneman’s Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology / Long considered the definitive work in its field, this new edition presents all the principles and practices readers need for a solid grounding in all aspects of clinical microbiology—bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, and virology. Tests are presented according to the Clinical and Laboratory StaKoneman’s Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology
Long considered the definitive work in its field, this new edition presents all the principles and practices readers need for a solid grounding in all ...
Молекулярная биология процессов развития / Книга представляет собой полную сводку современных знаний о молекулярных основах процессов развития. В ней рассматриваются изменения содержания, состава и скорости синтеза ДНК, РНК и белков на двух основных этапах развития — оогенеза и эмбриогенеза. Книга предназначена для специалистов по молекулярнМолекулярная биология процессов развития
Книга представляет собой полную сводку современных знаний о молекулярных ...