Биомолекулы. Нуклеиновые кислоты

Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols / Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols investigates the various processes that are affected by the age of an organism. Several new tools for the analysis of biological aging have been introduced recently, and this volume provides methods and protocols for these new techniques in addition to its covBiological Aging: Methods and Protocols
Biological Aging: Methods and Protocols investigates the various processes that are affected by the age of an organism. Several new tools for the ...
Солитоны в молекулярных системах / В монографии изложены новейшие подходы к изучению транспорта энергии и электронов в квазиодномерных молекулярных системах и протонов в макромолекулах с водородными связями. Показана большая роль нелинейных явлений в биологии, приводящих к образованию солитонов. Обсуждаются некоторые вопросы современСолитоны в молекулярных системах
В монографии изложены новейшие подходы к изучению транспорта энергии и ...
Histone H1 glycation and rutin metabolites as glycation inhibitors: Nuclear protein glycation in vivo and novel natural product AGE inhibitors / Protein glycation, induced by hyperglycemia, is implicated in the appearance of diabetic complications and the aging process. Glycation involves the non-enzymatic reaction between sugars and protein amino groups that lead to formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). When aminoguanidine, aHistone H1 glycation and rutin metabolites as glycation inhibitors: Nuclear protein glycation in vivo and novel natural product AGE inhibitors
Protein glycation, induced by hyperglycemia, is implicated in the appearance of diabetic complications and the aging process. Glycation involves the ...