Handbook of Nanoindentation: With Biological Applications

Michelle L. Oyen / Handbook of Nanoindentation: With Biological Applications / Broadly divided into two parts, this guide’s first part presents the a’basic sciencea’ of nanoindentation, ...Название:Handbook of Nanoindentation: With Biological Applications
Автор:Michelle L. Oyen
Количество страниц:300
Цена:15 766 руб.
Описание:Broadly divided into two parts, this guide’s first part presents the a’basic sciencea’ of nanoindentation, including the background of contact mechanics underlying indentation technique, and the instrumentation used to gather mechanical data. Both the mechanics background and the instrumentation overview provide perspectives that are optimized for biological applications, including discussions on hydrated materials and adaptations for low-stiffness materials. The second part of the book covers the applications of nanoindentation technique in biological materials. Included in the coverage are mineralized and nonmineralized tissues, wood and plant tissues, tissue-engineering substitute materials, cells and membranes, and cutting-edge applications at molecular level including the use of functionalized tips to probe specific molecular interactions. The volume concludes with a concise summary and an insightful forecast of the future highlighting the current challenges.

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