Metals in Medicine

James C. Dabrowiak / Metals in Medicine / Working from basic chemical principles, Metals in Medicine presents a complete and methodical approach to the topic. ...Название:Metals in Medicine
Автор:James C. Dabrowiak
Количество страниц:334
Цена:5 706 руб.
Описание:Working from basic chemical principles, Metals in Medicine presents a complete and methodical approach to the topic. Introductory chapters discuss important bonding concepts applicable to metallo-drugs and their biological targets, interactions that exist between the agents and substances in the biological milieu, basic pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties including transport and uptake of drugs by the cells, and methods for measuring efficacy and toxicity of agents. The steps from drug discovery to market place are also briefly outlined and discussed. These chapters lay the groundwork, in order that students can clearly understand how agents work, whatever their subject background. Following this introduction, chapters focus on individual metallo-drugs and agents for treating and detecting disease, their synthesis, structure and general properties, known mechanism of action and important physical and chemical principles that apply. Topics covered include cisplatin;...

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