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Газовая постоянная RR = 8,314 Дж×моль-1×К-1
Число Авогадро NN = 6,0225×1023
Константа Фарадея FF = 96 480 Кл/моль

Biotechnology Annual R Volume 14 (Biotechnology Annual Review) (Biotechnology Annual Review) / Biotechnology is a diverse, complex, and rapidly evolving field. Students and experienced researchers alike face the challenges of staying on top of developments in their field of specialty and maintaining a broader overview of the field as a whole. This latest volume of Biotechnology Annual Review Biotechnology Annual R Volume 14 (Biotechnology Annual Review) (Biotechnology Annual Review)
Biotechnology is a diverse, complex, and rapidly evolving field. Students and experienced researchers alike face the challenges of staying on top of ...
Stress — From Molecules to Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Neurobiology of Stress Responses / This book comprehensively covers the molecular basis of stress responses of the nervous system, providing a unique and fundamental insight into the molecular, physiological and behavioral basis of the stress response of a whole organism. Edited by leading experts in the field and summarizing the latStress — From Molecules to Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Neurobiology of Stress Responses
This book comprehensively covers the molecular basis of stress responses of the nervous system, providing a unique and fundamental insight into the ...
Geobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives, First Edition / Book DescriptionGeobiology is an exciting and rapidly developing research discipline that opens new perspectives in understanding Earth as a system. To determine and to exploit its possibilities, this promising scientific field will benefit from a discussion of its definition as a research disciplinGeobiology: Objectives, Concepts, Perspectives, First Edition
Book DescriptionGeobiology is an exciting and rapidly developing research discipline that opens new perspectives in understanding Earth as a system. ...
Фотосинтез. В 2 томах (комплект) / Книга, написанная в основном американскими авторами, представляет собой фундаментальный труд, который исчерпывающим образом освещает проблему фотосинтеза. В 1-м томе рассматриваются биохимические и биофизические аспекты превращения энергии у растений и бактерий, структура и функция фотосинтетическихФотосинтез. В 2 томах (комплект)
Книга, написанная в основном американскими авторами, представляет собой ...